Beach Safety Blog
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Must-Know Beach Safety Guidelines

Hey everyone, Camryn is back with another blog! The summer season is in full swing, and that means the beaches are getting more and more populated from our wonderful vacation guests. But while myself and the Liquid Life fam love to promote all the fun that can be had in the area, we also want to make sure you and your group are staying safe. I encourage you to read through these important beach safety guidelines so that your vacation stays protected:



Paying attention to the beach flags is crucial to knowing how safe the water is that day. If you are not aware of what beach flags are or what each color means, the image above tells you what each one means. Just a personal tip from me: I don’t think it’s a great idea to go in unless a yellow or green flag is flying. The moment I see red, I know I’m going to enjoy my beach day sitting on the sand. Purple flags are also ones to look out for, since they indicate that there is dangerous marine life present. This could include jellyfish, sharks, or any other animal that could cause swimmers harm. These flags are in place to let beach goers know how risky the surf is, so it is wise to heed the warnings these flags give you.



Rip currents are one of the most dangerous aspects of the beach, so it is imperative that you know how to spot them and how to escape them. Rip currents are defined as a “narrow jetlike stream of water that flows sporadically seaward for several minutes.” As you can see in the images above, you can typically spot a rip current by paying attention to the waves crashing around it. Do not be fooled by it’s calm appearance—this may seem like the smoothest area to swim, but the current underneath is extremely powerful. If you were to get caught in one of these currents, do not panic. Panic is the main cause for drowning. Instead, allow yourself to float and let the current take you. You can either allow it to carry you until the current stops (which usually is not super far), or you can find an escape route and start swimming parallel to the shore. Make sure you recite these survival steps and continue to educate yourself on how to spot rip currents.



Now that we’ve covered the heavy stuff, I also want to talk to you guys about keeping yourselves safe from the Alabama sun! First off, sunscreen is crucial. There may be some peeps out there that disagree and are planning to only take their tanning oil, but I implore you to please use SPF. The sun is no joke, and can cause terrible burns and sometimes even long-term health complications. I recommend at least using SPF 30! As for the heat, the sun is KICKING this year y’all. It can be very easy to get dehydrated, so I encourage you to bring plenty of water or hydrating drinks.

I hope you all remember these guidelines for your stay! Knowing these things could truly mean the difference in having a great vacation, or a somber one. Liquid Life Vacation Rentals is here for you to make sure your beach vacation is as amazing as it can be! Book now to start planning your fun (and safe) beach vacation 🏖️



Published by Camryn Easterling
Monday, June 24, 2024